Monday, 10 February 2020

If it weren’t for my dash cam I would have been at fault, driver and witness said I ran a red.


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level 1
Just proves that either 1) people will lie to get out of anything and/or 2) eyewitness accounts, especially of fast-moving events, are unreliable. The video never lies
level 2
207 points·58 minutes ago·edited 10 minutes ago
Literally just in a crash yesterday. Idiot took a left turn right into us. (If I had it on video it would have been here). And then fucking tried to argue with the cop and change the whole story and everything.
Edit: I should clarify we were going straight on a highway.
level 2
719 points·2 hours ago
The video never lies
That's really a lot less true than it used to be
level 2
Think about it from a witness perspective. You hear a loud crash, look up, and the lights have all changed by now. So they were probably telling the truth from their perspective, but things had changed in 3 seconds.
level 2
10 points·46 minutes ago
3 people involved there will be 4 stories. 1 for each person and then the truth.
level 2
Psychologists will tell you eye witness accounts can be fucked
I remember a lesson from one of my classes. A student came in, made a big scene, threatened the professor before leaving. Professor had us all right down our accounts for the police report he would be filing. Then he called in the student and read everything we wrote out loud. Literally everything about that student changed based on who you asked. Hair color, jacket color, shoes, sandals, etc
level 2
There is a passage in one of the Dresden Files about this kind of thing. I was going to copy/paste it but it's quite a bit longer than I remember so I'll just leave this:
level 2
In legal cases, they never use the eye witness account in the court due to it being so unreliable
level 2
The video never lies
Like in that movie Rising Sun with Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes
6 more replies
level 1
Fucking hell. Are you okay? The other driver was clearly at fault.
level 2
3.4k points·3 hours ago
Was taken to hospital with only minor injuries, just couldn’t believe when the police told me that he had said he had a green and a witness agreed
level 2
Moral of this story and most other accidents. Get a dash cam. C.Y.A.

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